The fear of Wuhan Virus’s new variant, Omicron, is rising with more international travelers being COVID-19 positive.  

In Hyderabad, 12  more passengers  arrived to the City from different countries, which were declared as A-risk countries.

The COVID-19 positive samples collected and sent for genome sequencing in view of Omicron variant threat.  The State Health Department confirmed the same on the 3rd of December, Friday.   The 12 cases were in addition to a passenger who tested positive for the virus earlier.  Recently, on the 2nd of December, a woman who arrived in Hyderabad from Britain was tested positive for the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19.) 

The genome sequencing reports of the 13 passengers were yet to be received. 

Meanwhile, in the view of the Omicron murant, the Telangana Health Department and Government tightened security and screening of travelers coming ro Hyderabad, especially international travelers.  In addition, they mandated RT-PCR tests and negative reports of passengers. 

In addition, the State Government imposed strict rules like mandatory face mask, if violated Rs. 1,000 fine for the citizens of Telangana. 

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