Mr. T. Harish Rao, the Health Minister of Telangana, took a dig at the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP.)

On the 11th of November, Thursday, Mr. T Harish Rao said Mr. G. Kishan Reddy, the Union Minister for State of Telangana is misleading the people of Telangana by spreading lies.  He said the Union Minister is defaming the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) Government by creating false news regarding the issues of Telangana. 

During a press conference at the Telangana Bhavan, Mr. T. Harish Rao said the BJP leaders are launching misinformation regarding paddy procurement, unemployment, non allocation of land to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and other issues. 

Mr. Harish Rao said, “The Union Minister should stop spreading lies on social media and tender an apology.”

The statements of Mr. T. Harish Rao came after the BJP staged a protest against the TRS demanding the Government to procure paddy from farmers.  On the 11th of November, the BJP leaders along with Mr. Bandi Sanjay Kumar, the President of the BJP in Telangana staged protests across Telangana, asking the TRS Government to purchase paddy from farmers. 

Rubbishing the recently held protests of the BJP, Mr. T. Harish Rao said, “The Centre has to take our paddy stocks and the BJP leaders should ask the Centre for the same instead.”  He also mentioned how the Centre is taking the entire paddy crop from Punjab and refusing to do the same from Telangana.  He said, “Why such partiality towards Punjab farmers.  People and farmers are aware of BJP tactics.  None supporting BJP protests as farmers are unhappy with the Centre.”

Mr. T. Harish Rao asked Mr. G. Kishan Reddy to check facts before spreading false information and misleading people against the Telangana Government.

The press meet was said to be an attempt to clarify the allegations of the BJP against the Telangana Government. 

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