Mr. Thakur Raja Singh, the suspended Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) from Goshmahal constituency, has bee arrested again.

On the 25th of August, Thursday, the Hyderabad Police re arrested the BJP leader, after an issued notice against him in two old cases, registered in February, with the Uttar Pradesh Police.  According to sources, Police officers from Shaninayathgunj and Mangalhat police stations earlier issued notices against him under Section 41A of the Criminal Procedure Code.

Notably, the Mangalhat police issued the notice with regard to a complaint booked in February 2022, for threatening voters of Uttar Pradesh through a video which had gone viral during Assembly elections.  In addition, a case was also registered against Mr. Raja Singh under the direction of the Election Commission of India.  While, the other notice was with the Shahinayathgunj police with regard to a case of making provocative speeches at Begum Bazar in April and insulting Prophet Muhammad.

The development came amid the continuing protests against the suspended BJP MLA and a tense situation in parts of Hyderabad.  Many people especially from the Muslim community gathered across the City and held massive protests over his offensive remarks.

Meanwhile, BJP Suspended MLA Raja issued a press note via whatsapp in which he said that, “A conspiracy has been trying to create by Telangana police department by issuing two 41 (A) Cr.pc from different police stations I.e shahinayathgunj p.s and Mangalhat p.s on the cases booked in the month of 12.04.2022 and 19.2.2022 which was issued on 24.08.2022 but served on me today I.e 25.08.2022. 11.00A.M, don’t you think the department is sleeping till date? Planning has been made on me to arrest again today.”

The matter is being investigated by the Hyderabad and the Uttar Pradesh Police.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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