The reluctance to get vaccinated for the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) has risen in the two Telugu states.  Despite extensive COVID-19 awareness campaigns and free vaccination drives, people, especially the uneducated, underprivileged and residents of rural areas are hesitating to get vaccinated.

It is very important to get vaccinated, considering the fact that the virus is mutating into multiple variants.  The Nation has witnessed a devastating second wave and is slowly limping back to normalcy, with very high chances to witness a third wave.  Indian citizens need to understand the fatal consequences of the virus and get vaccinated as soon as possible.

The Indian government (state and central) should take crucial steps to ensure every citizen is vaccinated.  Mandatory vaccination to people across the state being one of the major steps taken in public interest.  False sense of security and confidence of immunity are some of the reasons for people being reluctant to get vaccinated, which result in people falling prey to the virus or being carriers and infecting others.

A simple mandate by the government to make welfare schemes available only to vaccinated citizens could rapidly boost inclination and awareness towards vaccination.  India has 5%, while Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, have 6% and 4% fully vaccinated respectively(source.). Vaccination drives are on the rise, people rising to the cause and getting vaccinated for the sake of the country’s safety is the need of the hour.

India has 4 vaccines for the Coronavirus.  Covishield manufactured under license by the  Serum Institute of India, Covaxin developed by Bharat Biotech, Sputnik V, manufactured under license by Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories under license and Moderna available as import only. These vaccines are abundantly available and there is no shortage as per the Government.

It might seem like a harsh decision to impose mandatory vaccination by the Governments of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and other states. However a Government Order (GO) or an official notification to mandate vaccination to continue enjoying benefits of any welfare schemes would make the drive more successful.

Moreover, the restriction on the use of welfare schemes to promote vaccination among the people could not be considered as illegal.  Under the Epidemic Disease Act 1987, the Government of India and the state governments are free to take any decision to stop the spread of the virus, which has been claimed as a pandemic (source.)

Besides restricting the benefits of schemes, governments of various Indian states could act and impose laws.  Under the National Disaster Management Act of 2005, the national authority and the national executive committee have been created to ensure control over the pandemic.  It can be made possible for these authorities to make vaccination compulsory through the state and the central governments (source,) as well as the Passport Act of 1967, where the government can either refuse the issuance of a passport or revoke an issued passport in relation to any person who is not vaccinated (source.)

In 2020,the Government of India, termed the Novel Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19 as a pandemic. The Government of India had to take extreme measures like complete lockdowns and phase wise easing of restrictions to control the spread of the virus.  Most of the states are still under complete/partial lockdowns due to the second wave, which proved to be even more devastating than the first one last year.  It would be easier for offices, businesses and establishments to reopen and begin operations to improve the economic conditions of all states and union territories of India if the majority of the population get themselves vaccinated.

Besides creating awareness for the COVID-19 vaccines, creating fear of losing benefits of several government schemes upon failure to be vaccinated could be a major thing a government could do.  It is to be noted, in Telangana various schemes like Rythu Bharosa, the KCR kit, Housing for Poor (Double bedroom flat,) Pradhan Mantri Yojana, Aasara pension, Aarogyasri are uplifting various sections of the society.  The Andhra Pradesh Government has included COVID-19 infection in the Aarogyasri Scheme to ease the financial burden on its people, allowing many families to heave a sigh of relief upon the need to not worry about the medical expenses.

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