Shashi Tharoor, a member of the Indian National Congress (INC,) on the 6th of December, shared his views about the 4 accused in the Disha rape and murder case being killed in a police encounter.

Mr. Tharoor took to his Twitter handle and said, “Agree in principle. We need to know more, for instance, if the criminals were armed, the police may have been justified in opening fire preemptively. Until details emerge we should not rush to condemn. But extra-judicial killings are otherwise unacceptable in a society of laws.”

While citizens of the Nation expressed how proud they are of the Hyderabad Police for giving justice to Disha and her parents, Mr. Tharoor was disappointed with the Police for taking law and order in their hands.

Apart from Mr. Tharoor, Advocate Vrinda Grover, Rekha Sharma, Chairperson of the Nation Commission for Women, also shared their views, which were similar to Mr. Tharoor’s.  Ms. Grover, in her tweet, said, “SAY NO TO TRIGGER TRACK INJUSTICE! This is absolutely unacceptable. So all that the state will do in the name of ensuring that women live as equal and free citizens is to add to its arsenal of unlimited arbitrary violence!.”

Karuna Nundy, a senior lawyer, also took to Twitter and shared her thoughts, stating after the encounter, nobody would know if the four arrested men actually were the culprits or were innocent.

Ms. Nundy said, “Now nobody will ever know if the four men killed by the police were innocent men, arrested fast to show action. And whether four of the most brutal rapists roam free, to rape and kill more women.”

The Hyderabad Police, on the 6th of December, shot all the four accused, identified as Mohammed Pasha, Jollu Shiva, Jollu Naveen and Chintakunta Chennakeshavulu.  The Police took all the four culprits to National Highway 44, Hyderabad, for recreating the incident as a part of the investigation, but when the culprits tried to escape, the Police shot them.

V.C. Sajjanar, the Commissioner of Hyderabad, shot all the culprits.

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