On the 18th of September, Rahul Gandhi, the former President of the Indian National Congress (INC,) took to Twitter and slammed the Narendra Modi led Central Government.

Mr. Rahul Gandhi criticised the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Government of neglecting the health care staff who are working for the Novel Coronavirus patients and tested positive for the infection.

Mr. Gandhi took to his official Twitter handle and said, “Adverse data-free Modi Government! The beating of ‘thali’ and the lighting of a lamp is more important than security and respect. Modi Government, why are corona (Coronavirus) warriors being insulted?”

The INC leader tweeted in Hindi, “प्रतिकूल डाटा-मुक्त मोदी सरकार!

थाली बजाने, दिया जलाने से ज़्यादा ज़रूरी हैं उनकी सुरक्षा और सम्मान।

मोदी सरकार, कोरोना वॉरीअर का इतना अपमान क्यों?”

The comments of Mr. Rahul Gandhi came after the Central Government on the 17th of September, denied to have data of health care staff who tested positive for the virus.

During the Monsoon Parliament session’s Lok Sabha proceedings, the BJP led Central Government refused to share any data about health care staff infected with the COVID-19 virus.

This is not the only data which the Central Government refused to have. Recently when asked about the data about migrants who died during the pandemic, the Central Government denied to publish this information.

The Central Government said they did not have any data about migrant workers who died during the pandemic and the nation wide lockdown.

Despite daily reports of the deaths of migrants who walked kilometres to reach their home, the BJP denied all of it and refused to provide compensation for the same.

Rahul Gandhi also criticised the Central Government for not having any data of the deceased migrants during the lockdown.

Mr. Gandhi in a tweet said, “मोदी सरकार नहीं जानती कि लॉकडाउन में कितने प्रवासी मज़दूर मरे और कितनी नौकरियाँ गयीं।

तुमने ना गिना तो क्या मौत ना हुई?

हाँ मगर दुख है सरकार पे असर ना हुई,

उनका मरना देखा ज़माने ने,

एक मोदी सरकार है जिसे ख़बर ना हुई।”

(The Modi Government does not know how many migrant workers died in the lockdown and how many jobs were lost.

If you did not count means they did not die?

Yes, but it is sad the Government is not bothered about this. The world saw their deaths but the Modi Government did not get a report about it.)

The INC also questioned the Modi Government about unemployment and loss of jobs during the pandemic.

However, the Central Government is clueless about the figure and denied any data regarding this also.

Santosh Gangwar, the Labour Minister of India said, the Centre uses only official data to frame policies, and that data captured by non

government agencies are not considered.

According to the other surveys, from the 24th of March, when the first lockdown was imposed till date, approximately 4.1 million youths lost jobs more than 1,000 migrants died.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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