In the last one week, the Rachakonda Traffic Police booked over 38,000 cases for traffic rules violations.

The Rachakonda Police collected a hefty amount of Rs. 1.36 crores as fines imposed on traffic rule violators in just 7 days. The booked cases were under the provisions of the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019. Of the total 38,000 cases, the highest number of traffic violation cases were for ‘driving without helmet,’ followed by overspeeding.

Besides rash driving and driving without helmet, cases were registered for driving without a seatbelt, signal jumping, drunk and drive and other traffic rule violations. Due to the violations of traffic rules, 11 persons lost their lives, and 43 received injuries in 45 road accidents in the past one week.

In the past seven days, 103 cases were booked against violators for drunk and drive, of which three were sent to jail. The court has imposed a total fine of Rs. 2.6 lakhs against the three violators.

The cases were registered between the 30th of October to the 5th of November. During the festive time of Diwali, the Rachakonda Police decided to crack down on the people who are violating traffic rules by parking their vehicles in the wrong manner, overspeeding, driving without helmet, driving without wearing seat belt, overloading goods on vehicles and other violations. The Telangana Traffic Police started strict checking in the past one week and booked approximately 38,000 cases.

The reason the Telangana Traffic Police did so was the increasing number of accidents in the State, especially during the festive season.

To control the violation in Traffic rules by people, the Rachakonda Police started programs to create traffic awareness among students, drivers and others.

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