While twelve BJP and non-BJP ruled states struggled with communal violence, targeted attacks on minorities and a general breakdown of rule of law during religious processions celebrating Sri Ram Navami and Hanuman Jayanti festivals in April 2022, Telangana in stark contrast was the only state where peace prevailed during such processions.

This fact was acknowledged in a report titled ‘Routes of Wrath-Weaponising Religious Processions’ released by ‘Citizens and Lawyers Initiative’ with a forward from Justice Rohinton Nariman, former Judge Supreme Court of India.

The report meticulously recorded incidents of communal violence that took place while organizing these religious processions in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Delhi, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Uttarakhand, Maharashtra, Goa, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar and Karnataka in 2022.

When it came to Telangana, the report said “the processions ended on a positive note in Telangana due to planning and firmness of the Telangana police and the High Court to prevent any violence….Takeaway from Telangana’s handling of these religious processions is that where the administration and courts wish to prevent communal clashes and riots even while allowing religious processions, they can”.

The report, which was released recently talks in depth about the large scale communal violence in twelve states where at least 100 persons from the minority community were injured and two persons were killed.

However, under the leadership of Mr. K. Chandrashekar Rao, the Chief Minister of Telangana, there was no report of violence in Hyderabad.  Both Hindus and Muslims, celebrated Ram Navami in the City with peace and harmony.

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