The Farmers’ United Action Committee demanded the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) and the Central Government establish a National Turmeric Board by the 15th of August.

Nizamabad farmers are protesting against the Telangana Government and demanded the classification of turmeric as a food crop and turmeric be brought under Minimum Support Price (MSP.)

The MSP would benefit the farmers of the district, as they could then get a good profit from turmeric agriculture.  Turmeric is cultivated in 33,000 acres in the district and is one of the highly cultivated crops in the State. If the cultivation of turmeric comes under MSP, the investment will reduce from 1.5 lakh per acre to Rs. 1 lakh.

As of now, earning by harvesting turmeric is very low.  If the turmeric farming comes under MSP, farmers will not have to bear high investment costs.

Recently, during the Lok Sabha elections, approximately 245 farmers filed nominations to contest the Lok Sabha elections against K. Kavitha, a member of TRS and former Member of Parliament (MP) of Nizamabad.

This is not the first time the farmers are protesting against the State and the Central Government regarding the matter.  Previously, they asked for the same and voted the TRS Government to power on the grounds the Party would fulfill the demand.  However, after coming to power, the TRS Government failed to meet the farmers’ demands.

The farmers’ committee in Nizamabad warned the Government and asked them to do the needful before the 15th of August.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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