The Telugu State of Telangana is all set to witness monsoon beginning in the next 48 hours.


On the 20th of June, Tuesday, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) predicted heavy rain in Bengaluru and the south interior parts of Karnataka, citing the monsoon beginning.  While in Karnataka monsoon started, the rainy season has been predicted to enter Telangana with a delay.

According to the IMD, usually, the monsoon enters Telangana in June, but this time, there has been a delay of 10 days.  Now, the Hyderabad weather department is hoping the monsoon season would begin from June end.  While some parts of southern Telangana might receive rainfall today itself, the entire state is likely to be covered by the monsoon by the 26th of June.

Meanwhile, according to the IMD Hyderabad forecast, the maximum temperature in Hyderabad is expected to remain in the range of 36-40 degrees Celsius until June 23.

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