The Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) re elected Mr. Gutha Sukender Reddy, the Member of the Legislative Council (MLC) as the Telangana Legislative Council Chairman.

On the 14th of March, Monday, Mr. K. Chandrashekar Rao, the Chief Minister of Telangana, nominated the name of Mr. Gutha Sukender Reddy.  His election became unanimous as no one has filed the nomination for the post of council chairman.  After being nominated unanimously, Mr. Sukender assumed the chair.

The TRS ministers like Mr. K.T. Rama Rao, Mr. Vemula Prashanth Reddy, Mr. Mahmood Ali and Mr. Srinivas Goud congratulated Sukender Reddy on the occasion.

According to sources, Mr.  Gutha Reddy was elected as legislative council chairman for the second time.  First time, he was elected on the 11th of September 2019.  His term as the Council member expired in June last year.  Although he was announced to be  re-elected last year in November, he took charges today, the 14th of March.

In addition, the official announcement of Mr. Gutha Sukender Reddy as the Telangana Legislative Council Chairman was also made today, after he was re-elected unopposed.

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