A Mumbai based man was arrested at Hyderabad Rajiv Gandhi International Airport on Sunday after he tried to walk out of the green channel with six gold bars inserted into his rectum. The accused Thawani Vijay Gul was traveling from Jeddah to Mumbai via Hyderabad. The accused according to police is a frequent smuggler.

gold bars

From September 2016, Vijay, a resident of Ulhasnagar, Mumbai, has made 18 visits to Jeddah of which four were in January 2017 alone. The accused claimed to have nothing to declare at the customs and tried to walk out of the airport. It was at this point the Airport officials found his posture to be nervous and odd. The authorities then took him into custody and when interrogated further they recovered six gold bars, weighing 1.19kg that he inserted in his rectum before he reached the Green Channel. He confessed of smuggling them and was planning to remove them once he walked out of the airport.

The total worth of the gold is estimated to be Rs. 34.46 lakhs. The officials have launched a case against him and are interrogating him further.

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