In Telangana’s Hyderabad, a team of Mailardevpally police station headed by its detective inspector Rajender Goud was attacked by a group of persons.  The incident occurred at Sardar Mahal in Old City under Moghalpura police station limits, confirmed police sources.

According to sources, when the police attempted to apprehend a suspected person accused of smuggling gold, the attack took place.  Getting into the details, in the wee hours of Monday, the 3rd of April, cops received credible information that a suspect, Owais, allegedly involved in the smuggling of gold was present at an apartment near Sardar Mahal.

A team of Mailardevpally police station of Cyberabad police, headed by a Detective Inspector, four police constables and two police informants all clad in plain clothes caught the suspect at the penthouse of the apartment.

During the operation, the suspect Owais raised a hue and cry upon which the residents of the building and nearby area, mostly goldsmiths, gathered and suspected that strange persons were trying to snatch gold from Owais.

The police team were beaten with sticks and belts. Commotion prevailed in the area and South Zone police force was mobilized.

During this incident, four persons including DI Mailardevpally received severe injuries and they have been admitted to a hospital. The Moghalpura police have registered a case and an investigation is underway.

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