India would have achieved the targeted $ 5 trillion economy by 2022 if all Indian States grew at the same pace as Telangana. Despite being a performing State, the Centre was actually punishing Telangana by not supporting it in its growth, said IT and Industries Minister KT Rama Rao.

Speaking at the annual CII event on ‘Beyond India@75 – Accelerating Telangana Growth Momentum – Resilience through Competitiveness, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Sustainability, ‘ he said the Hyderabad PharmaCity, which will be the largest pharma manufacturing cluster in the world, did not receive any support from the Centre. The State has also been denied a bulk drugs manufacturing cluster, other manufacturing clusters, industrial corridors and others. Even though a special incentive was promised in the AP Reorganisation Act, nothing has been given to both the Telugu States of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, he said.

While India was a democratic country, not all States are treated equally. Each State is diverse and that diversity should be respected. Political affiliations should not define if a State will be supported or not, Rama Rao said urging the Centre to offer incentives to performing States. “Who are we to tell people what to eat, what to wear,” he said.

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