After the ruckus over the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) Ms. Nupur Sharma’s remark over Prophet Mohammed, the BJP suspended her.

Notably, Gulf countries on Sunday, the 5th of June, demanded a public apology from the Indian government over comments made by Ms. Nupur Sharma.  Nations like Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq even called to boycott Indian goods, reacting to the sensational remarks of the BJP MLA from Maharashtra.

After the call from Gulf countries, the Indian Government led by the BJP issued a public apology.  However, Mr. K.T. Rama Rao, the Information Technology Minister of Telangana, took a dig over the apology.  He took to Twitter and said, “Why should India as a country apologize to the international community for the hate speeches of BJP bigots?  It is BJP that should apologize;  not India as a Nation.”  He further added, “Your party should first apologize to Indians at home for spewing & spreading hatred day in and day out.”

The tweet: PM @narendramodi Ji, Why should India as a country apologize to the international community for the hate speeches of BJP bigots?

It is BJP that should apologize; not India as a Nation

Your party should first apologize to Indians at home for spewing & spreading hatred day in and day out.”

In addition,  the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) leader Mr. K.T. Rama Rao said, “If the BJP truly respects all religions equally, should you also not suspend the Telangana BJP chief who made an open public statement wanting to dig up all the mosques & impose a ban on Urdu?”  He demanded suspension of the Telangana BJP Chief Mr. Bandi Sanjay Kumar and said, “Why this selective treatment Nadd Ji?  Any clarification?” 

Recently, Mr. Bandi Sanjay Kumar made a controversial remark saying that Muslim rulers in Telangana demolished several temples and built mosques over them.  The BJP President of Telangana also demanded digging at all mosques, saying there was a possibility of finding Shiva Lingams underneath.

Mr. Bandi Sanjay Kumar also claimed that when the BJP would come into power, it would abolish all madrasas, do away with reservations for Muslims and remove Urdu as the second official language.

The statement gained criticism from the All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) leaders and the TRS Government.

Stay tuned for further updates.


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