The Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) Minister Mr. K.T. Rama Rao (KTR,) on the 8th of March, Tuesday, inaugurated 50 acre FLO industrial park in Medical Devices park in Sultanpur, Sangareddy district, Telangana.

Mr. K.T. Rama Rao, the Information Technology Minister of Telangana, on the 8th of March, inaugurated the park, which has an investment of Rs. 250 crores. During the launch event, KTR said this is the first industrial park, owned by women entrepreneurs of the State. The newly FLO industrial park would be women’s industrial parks which would help women grow as entrepreneurs. On the occasion of Women’s Day, Mr. K.T. Rama Rao said, “WE-Hub is the only center that has been set up for women entrepreneurs.” Notably, under the We-Hub initiative, a total of 2,194 start ups have been designed by We-Hub and Rs. 66.3 crores is being allocated for them. Besides, the minister also said that 2,800 jobs would be created with start-up funding.

The FICCI-FLO Industrial Park has been allotted 25 entrepreneurs and the projects of about 5 of them are currently underway. Mr. Rama Rao urged the rest of the entrepreneurs to begin working on their projects to kick off the job creation. He added that today, Hyderabad is a key contributor in the pharma section, after having supplied one-third of the vaccines used globally.

Furthermore, Mr. K.T. Rama Rao said, “The Telangana Government is supporting women associations in establishing women entrepreneur based industrial parks and is giving priority to the applications of women entrepreneurs. 10% of plots are reserved for women in new industrial parks.”

The Telangana Rashtra Samithi Minister said the TRS Government has launched a new program for women entrepreneurs for the first time in the country. He said, “We provide opportunities for women entrepreneurs through ‘Udyaamika’. This will address the grievances of women entrepreneurs. A consultative committee was set up in it through which process, review and financial incentives will be provided.”

Meanwhile, FLO Hyderabad Chairperson Ms. Uma Chigurupati stated that the new industrial park will have 25 women owned manufacturing industries. With an investment of Rs. 250 crore, it is set to generate employment to about 2,000 people. Electronics, packaging, furniture, general engineering, food processing, medical devices, jewelry, nutraceuticals and auto parts units would be established here.

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