Mr. K.T. Rama Rao, the Information Technology, Municipal Administration Urban Development (MA & UD) Minister of Telangana, announced that Telangana would aim for the five revolutions in the State. Addressing the media, Mr. K.T. Rama Rao, the Working President of the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS,) said, “Five revolutions in agriculture and food processing over the next decade will propel Telangana to the next phase of growth.”

The statement came after KTR released the annual report of the Industries and Commerce department.  Mr. K.T. Rama Rao said, Telangana is already witnessing a green revolution while four revolutions, blue, white, pink, and yellow, are work in progress.   Mr. Rama Rao said,  “Telangana is number one in inland fisheries in terms of fish production, heralding the blue revolution.  The state is also setting up a large aqua hub in one of its reservoirs which will be India’s largest aqua hub and will give further fillip to fish production.”  He added,  “Fourth thing which is likely to happen with sheep rearing and animal husbandry is the pink revolution; that is meat.  The fifth revolution likely to happen is the yellow revolution.  The government’s focus is on oil palm.”

Highlighting the efforts of the TRS Government to the revolutionalizing agriculture sector, Mr. K.T. Rama Rao said, the progress in agriculture has been increased by 119%.  He added in the eight years there has been 128% growth in per capita income and 133% growth in the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) despite three impediments – demonetization, Covid-19 and zero support from the Government of India.   Mr. K.T. Rama Rao said, “We have not lost hope, we have not lost heart and we continued to toil hard.”  The TRS minister revealed that agriculture and allied sectors contribute 16.3% to GSDP.  Furthermore, the industrial sector accounts for 20.4% while the contribution of the services sector has also grown to 18.3%.

In addition, Mr. K.T. Rama Rao said, the foreign companies are also investing in Telangana, providing so far investments of Rs. 2,32,311 crores, which helped to create 16.48 lakh jobs. 

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