The Telangana Budget Session is likely to skip the reply of Mr. K. Chandrashekar Rao, the Chief Minister of Telangana over the 2022 budget.

It is to be noted, after skipping the Governor’s address on the first day of the budget session, the Telangana State Assembly would also miss Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao’s reply on the budget, on the last day of the Telangana Assembly session.  The Telangana Assembly session is scheduled to end on the 15th of March.

Meanwhile, today’s session is set to propose the Telangana Appropriation Bill on the 15th of March, Tuesday.  Perhaps for the first time the state Assembly is witnessing the CM’s reply on proposal budget absence during the budget debate.

This is the first time that the Assembly and Legislative Council has happened without the Governor’s speech and now is expected to be without the reply of the Chief Minister on the 2022-2023 budget.

An officials of the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) who wished to be anonymous said, “The CM already instructed state Assembly Secretary V. Narasimha Charyulu to make necessary arrangements to ensure that the Appropriation Bill is passed without any legal complications.”  Furthermore, the reason behind KCR’s absence from the 2022-2023 Budget Session is his tour to Dellhi and health issues.

Notably, in this session, Mr. K. Chandrashekar Rao attended the Assembly Budget Session, on the 7th of March and the 9th of March.  Later, he visited Delhi to meet Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, following which he became ill with a cold and fever and is currently under medical observation.

Usually, the Chief Minister makes his final reply on the budget debate after the state Finance Minister clarifies all doubts raised on the budget proposals and the Revised Estimations (RE.)  

The Telangana Budget Session is scheduled to conclude today, the 15th of March.  T. Harish Rao, the Finance Minister of Telangana, presented the 2022-2023 budget, on the 7th of March, the first day of the session.

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