The paddy procurement issue intensified in the Telugu State of Telangana between the Telangana Government and the Central Government.

After several requests and protests, Mr. K. Chandrashekar Rao, the Chief Minister of Telangana, finally set a 72 hour deadline for the Central Government to take a stand regarding the paddy procurement from farmers. 

On the 18th of November, Thursday, Mr. K. Chandrasekhar Rao said, there would be a war between the two governments, if the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led Central Government doesn not take a clear stand. 

The Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) would stage a protest in Delhi and would take the matter at a national level.   Mr. K. Chandrashekar Rao said “We will see the end of the Narendra Modi government.”   He asked Mr. Narendra Modi, the  Prime Minister of India to make it clear whether or not the Centre would buy Rabi rice from the State.  He said, “If the Centre says it will not buy paddy, the farmers will raise alternative crops. When I requested the farmers not to raise maize, they heeded my advice.” 

It is to be noted, the TRS cabinet along with district collectors and senior leaders staged a Maha Dharna at Indira Park.  The State Government  demanded the Centre to procure 90 % of the Kharif rice produced in the State. The TRS working president and IT Minister KT Rama Rao, Finance Minister T Harish Rao, Agriculture Minister S Niranjan Reddy and other Ministers, MPs MLAs, MLCs and a battery of  TRS leaders participated in the dharna. 

Mr. KCR said, “Though the farmers in north India have been on an agitation path for several months, the Central government has only tried to suppress them instead of resolving their problems. We have to fight the Centre alongside them.  If necessary, the TRS will lead the nation-wide farmers’ agitation.”   He further said, “We will wait for two or three days for the Centre’s response. The future course of action will be charted after that.”  He said, “Even if the Centre tries to intimidate me, I will not cow down. KCR is not afraid of anyone. If he is, he could not have achieved Telangana State.”

The deadline started from the 19th of November, following which the TRS Cabinet is likely to stage a protest in New Delhi, the National Capital.

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