In an unfortunate incident, an Intermediate girl student named Akhila, 17-years-old, died in the Social Welfare Residential School.

The school was located at Isnapur of Patancheru Mandal in Sangareddy district, where Akhila reportedly died. As per the authorities, Akhila was reportedly suffering from some gynecological issues.  On Friday morning, the 19th of August, the authorities found Akhila collapsed in the washroom due to severe stomach pain.

She was rushed to a hospital where doctors declared her brought dead.

Akhila is a native of Lok Thanda in Sirgapur Mandal of Sangareddy district.  The Thanda in Sirgapur Mandal of Sangareddy district registered a case and an investigation is underway.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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