Here’s some good news for all the enthusiastic yoga practitioners, the city will yet again witness a vibrant surya namaskar challenge soon.

Yogathon Hyderabad 2022 is an initiative to promote yoga by the members of The Art of Living organisation. The event is scheduled on November 20 at Hitex Exhibition Grounds.

The challenge, which is open for anyone aged between 8 and 80 years, requires one to complete 108 rounds of Surya Namaskars.

Apart from taking part in the spirited challenge, one will also have access to a week-long training to prepare for the challenge. Doctors and nutritionists will be available for consultation.

To participate in the challenge, you can log on to the organizers’ website and register. The ones who complete all 108 will receive a gold certificate, for completing 54 you will receive a silver certificate and a participation certificate will be given to everyone in attendance.

Yogathon has been a part of avid yoga practitioners’ calendars in the city for quite a few years now. City folks come together to participate in this challenge which aims to promote yoga and Surya Namaskars in particular.

Surya Namaskars also known as sun salutations are a specific sequence of twelve yoga asanas. It is one of the most widely known yoga practices. It helps in maintaining cardiovascular health, stimulating the nervous system, improving strength and flexibility, and relieving stress and fatigue.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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