In Telangana’s Hyderabad, a 23 year old man died by suicide at his house. The Hyderabad Police confirmed the incident on the morning of the 7th of February, Tuesday.

 According to the police, the incident occurred in Balanagar on Monday night, the 6th of February.  The victim identified as Sai Kumar, 23 years old, lived along with his family at Balanagar old village.  He was said to be in depression and had taken the extreme step.  However, the police did not find any suicide notes from the victim.

The Balanagar Police, which registered the case said,  “On Monday morning, Sai Kumar’s mother scolded him over some issue.  When she returned home in the evening she found him hanging to a ceiling fan in the house.  It appears he might have slipped into depression.” 

The police have shifted the body for postmortem and launched an investigation into the matter.

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