Syeda Lulu Minhaj Zaidi, a native of Telangana is found starving and being helpless on the streets of Chicago, the United States of America (U.S.A.)

On the 26th of July, Wednesday, her condition was brought to light by Amjed Ullah Khan, a spokesperson of the Majlis Bachao Tehreek (MBT,) a party based in Telangana.

In a tweet, Mr. Amjed Ullah Khan shared a video of the woman who is seen sitting on a corner of the street with a few belongings. The woman is seen having trouble remembering her name at first. When asked about her condition, she explained that she was taken to a hospital for treatment, but her health deteriorated further after blood samples were extracted from her body for testing.

Notably, Syeda went to the USA to pursue her master’s degree in Medical Science (MS) from TRINE University in Detroit, Chicago in 2021 August.  Initially she was doing fine, but in the past two months, she lost contact with her family and recently her mother discovered about her daughter’s condition through a viral tweet

Talking to the media, Syeda’s mother said she was doing fine, but she got to know that her daughter’s belongings, certificates and all important documents were stolen, following which she fell into depression and now is starving on the streets of Chicago.  

Meanwhile, Syeda’s mother wrote to Mr. S. Jaishankar, the External Affairs Minister of India and the Telangana Government, to interfere and bring her daughter back to Telangana.

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