For the second consecutive year, Hyderabad is among the two cities in India, along with Mumbai, to be listed as ‘Tree Cities of the World-2021’ by Arbor Day Foundation and FAO of UN.

According to the Arbor Day Foundation’s list, in Hyderabad, 3,50,56,635 trees were planted with 500 volunteer hours over two years.  In Mumbai finds pride of place in the listing with 42,50,00 trees planted utilising 25,000 volunteer hours.  If each of the planted tree occupies just 1 square foot area, then the city would have an additional forest of 3.25 square kilometres or about three parks the size of Kasu Brahmananda Reddy Park.

Mr. Arvind Kumar, the Special Chief Secretary of Municipal Administration and Urban Development took to Twitter and said, “Matter of immense pride that #Hyderabad city is recognised, for the 2nd consecutive year, among the tree cities of the world by the Arbor Day Foundation.”

A total of 136 other cities from 21 countries are part of the premium listing. The US has 37 cities on the list while the UK has 19 and Canada 18, showing that developed countries have a higher share of green cities.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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