The city traffic police had installed 31 pelican signals under “Safe City Project” with push button facility for safe pedestrian crossing at strategic locations such as hospitals, colleges/schools, and commercial public places where high pedestrian footfall was observed.

Out of 43 proposed, 31 pelican signals were installed and functioning in the city and facilitated pedestrians to cross the roads by operating a manual system that allows them a window of 15-20 seconds to cross the road safely.

The vehicular traffic will come to a halt on both sides until pedestrians cross the road. Two volunteers are deployed at each pelican signal to assist the pedestrians. At every signal one Traffic cop is also posted. The volunteers use “STOP” hand sign board to stop vehicles. The volunteers will be daily monitored by concerned Traffic SHOs and Sector SIs to ensure proper functioning of signals as well as volunteers.

Additional Commissioner of Police (Traffic) G Sudhir Babu said that the traffic police identified pedestrian Islands at busy junctions/intersections and erected 71 Pedestrian Island Sign boards. The officers erected banners/flexies informing citizens to use 56 Metro Station Foot over bridges to cross over the roads. It identified the junctions where Zebra Crossings/Stop Lines are to be marked to stop the vehicles before the stop line and to facilitate pedestrians to cross the roads. Local traffic officers will identify the list of places where markings are required for the safety of pedestrians and will address the issue to GHMC and pursue them until markings are laid.

The traffic police took an initiative for clearance of footpaths and carriage ways by removing petty shops/material and vehicles parked obstructing the pedestrian way and booked the following number of cases in 2023. (1) Free Left Blocking: 51,533, (2) Stop Line Violation:2,71,187, (3) 39 (b) CP Act: 33,206, (4) 41 (a) CP Act: 96,359, (5) Wheel Clamp Cases: 31,341 and (6) Obstructive Parking: 49,038. The officials urged pedestrians to avoid Jaywalking and cross the roads by keenly observing the traffic on both sides. Pedestrians should utilise the services of Traffic Cops at Traffic Junctions and newly introduced Self- operated Pelican Signals in between the junctions to cross the road safely.

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