In view of New Year’s celebration, the Hyderabad Traffic Police is to set up drink and drive checks in major areas of the City.

On the 31st of December, strict drink and drive checking and other COVID-19 protocols would be scrutinized. Check posts would be placed across all major areas under the Cyberabad Commissionerate, Rachakonda Commissionerate and Hyderabad Commissionerate.

The decision to deploy police for strict checking was taken to ensure the safety of people and prevent accidents due to drunk driving on New Year’s eve. Special teams of police and other officials would be stationed at pubs and bars to deter drug peddling along with police vehicles patrolling public places to manage the crowds.

An official of the Police Department, “Police would be on the roads in full strength and will be assisted by the policemen from other wings as well.” The official who wished to be anonymous said, “No person found to be driving in inebriated condition will be spared. Cases will be booked at any cost against the errant drivers.”

Every year, the Telangana Police imposes strict rules for drunk and drive cases, especially near areas with pubs and clubs across the City.

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