In Australia, a 26 year old man identified as Saadullah, a native of Hyderabad, died due to cardiac arrest. 

Saadullah, a resident of Santosh Nagar died on the 2nd of November, Wednesday, after suffering a cardiac arrest in Perth, Australia.  He was working as a Customer Relationship Management Analyst in an Australian company.

Hussain Fazalullah, the brother of Saadullah has urged the Government of Telangana to help in the repatriation of the mortal remains of Saadullah.  Besides approaching the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) Government, Mr. Hussain Fazalullah also urged Mr. S. Jaishankar, the External Affairs Minister of India.  Furthermore, the brother of Saadullah, Mr. Fazalullah also appealed to Mr. K.T. Rama Rao, the Information Technology and Urban Development Minister of Telangana, to work and bring back the mortal remains of his brother who died in Australia.

Mr. Fazalullah said, “It was just three days back that he completed his vacation, went to Umrah in Saudi Arabia and then proceeded to join his new assignment in the IT sector to Perth in Australia and news came that he died due to cardiac arrest.”  He further added, “Saadullah visited India and returned to Australia on October 28, and last spoke to us on November 1, but suddenly we received a call on November 2 from his roommate that he had been taken to Royal Perth Hospital and later news came that he took his last breath.” 

Meanwhile, reacting to the request of Fazalullah, the General Administration (Non Resident Indian) Department also gave a letter to the High Commission of India, Canberra Australia, from the Ministry of External and Overseas Indian Affairs, New Delhi, asking for the mortal remains of Saadullah.  The  External Affairs Ministry requested for the assistance of the Australian Government to coordinate with the local  and hospital authorities to fulfil all the formalities for early transportation of the mortal remains of the late Saadullah from Australia to India, at the earliest.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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