An interstate drug racket has been busted here and eight people arrested in this connection, Hyderabad Narcotic Enforcement Wing said on Thursday.

The sleuths seized 140 grams of Charas/Hash, 184 Blots of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and 10 grams of MDMA, among others worth Rs 9 lakh, an official release said.

The prime accused were using Dark Web for drug supplies with the help of Social Networks, Crypto Currency (Single use Crypto Wallet) and other hidden apps to door deliver the substances.

Investigation revealed that nearly Rs.30 lakh worth of transactions were made using crypto currency throughout India for drug trafficking. The kingpin is said to have nearly 450 consumers throughout India.

As of now 30 drug consumers, who are purchasing the narcotic substance from the accused were identified and the probe is underway to identify others, the release added.

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