In Telangana’s Hyderabad, a man killed his daughter for constantly engaging on mobile phone.  The shocking incident occurred on the night of the 18th of December, in the Musheerabad region.

According to sources, the man identified as Sadiq was annoyed with his 17 year old daughter, who was constantly talking and chatting.  He even scolded her for the same recently and strangulated her to death when she did not listen. 

After committing the crime, the accused Sadiq surrendered himself to the Musheerabad Police.  The police said, “On Saturday night, Sadiq scolded the victim as she was constantly speaking and chatting over phone despite his objection. Later, in the early hours, he killed her by strangulation.” 

Currently, a case has been registered under the relevant section of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and an investigation into the matter is underway.

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