In relief to the citizens of Hyderabad, the Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (HMWS&SB) planned to increase the drinking water supply to every household this summer.

On the 5th of March, the HMWS&SB said they would also provide free water tankers in the areas facing water scarcity.  The decision was taken after a review meeting, held by the HMWS&SB members on Friday.  During the meeting, they discussed an action plan for the same, assuring no interruption in providing water to the people in summer.  The meeting was chaired by the HMWS&S Managing Director Mr. Dana Kishore.

Furthermore, Mr. Dana Kishore asked the concerned officials to address and resolve all public complaints registered related to the drinking water supply.   He said, “In view of summer, all measures will be taken to ensure that people do not face any difficulties in the water supply.  Arrangements will be made to provide drinking water by tankers for free wherever necessary.” 

Special care would be taken to make sure no area gets contaminated water supply.  In addition, the board would also conducted repair works if needed.   The Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board would also establish power borewells after reviewing the performance and after making repairs wherever necessary for the public of Telangana.

The aforementioned discussions would be implemented immediately, to ensure no households in Hyderabad, Telangana, face water-related problems during summers.

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