Telangana Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan on Friday held a “mahila darbar” at the Raj Bhavan, where she listened to over 100 women’s grievances and suggestions, including one about introducing girl-child-oriented chapters in the school syllabus.

Ms. Tamilisai Soundararajan said, “Our women officers have categorised these grievances and we will follow it up with the government. I want to be the bridge between the government and the public. I decided to hold this programme after the gang-rape case. I want to send out a message that women can approach the highest constitutional authority, who is a woman. My heart bleeds after reading reports in the media regarding abuse of minors. I am concerned about the safety of women and minors. I want to be their voice. I request the state government to respond to letters sent from the governor’s office.”

The governor received thunderous applause from the participants at the programme which was webcast live.

The Governor’s decision to hold the programme amid the furore over the May 28 gangrape of the minor in Hyderabad has not gone down well with the government and further strained the relations. On Wednesday, the governor sought a detailed report from the chief secretary and the director general of police on the incident.

In an apparent dig at the Telangana Rashtra Samiti government, the governor said people who called her intervention unconstitutional should follow the Constitution first,. “I have got used to violation of protocol and I do not even mind it now. But there is an SOP (standard operating procedure) which has to be followed,” she said. “All I am asking from the government is to please respond to requests made on behalf of the people.”

The new initiative was started from the 10th of June.

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