Amid the continuous rainfalls, the Godavari river is flowing at the danger mark at Dharmapuri temple in its catchment areas for the last four days. Besides incessant rains, the release of water from the Kadem and Sri Ram Sagar Projects increased the water level at Dharmapuri. While the Kadem project is getting 5,09,025 cusecs of water from its catchment area, 2,99,047 cusecs are being released downstream by lifting 17 out of 18 flood gates. Meanwhile, 3,53,548 cusecs of water are being let out into the Godavari by lifting 34 flood gates of the SRSP project. The project is getting 3,60,515 inflows.

As a result, the water levels at Dharmapuri reached the danger mark amid flood situations. Some colonies in the temple town were inundated in flood water and water entered houses in low-lying areas of the temple town. Rescue teams evacuated people to safer places. Welfare Minister, Koppula Eashwar visited the low-lying areas and interacted with the affected people. Asking the government machinery to be alert always, the Minister instructed officials to arrange rehabilitation centers for inundated people.

People are being shifted to safer places in Korutla town on Wednesday. On the other hand, Collector G Ravi along with Superintendent of Police, Sindhu Sharma inspected water levels in the Godavari river at Rayapatnam bridge near Dharmapuri. In Korutla town, Prakasham road and Bheemunidubba areas were inundated in the flood water as Maddula Cheruvu is overflowing. Water entered houses in Ambedkarnagar as Phoolvagu is overflowing. Flood water entered houses in several colonies in the town. Alert municipal officials shifted the affected people to rehabilitation centers.

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