The Telangana Rashtra Samithi on the 20th of November, dismissed the comments of Bandi Sanjay Kumar, the President of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Telangana, against the TRS. 

Recently, Bandi Sanjay Kumar the Member of Parliament (MP) of Karimnagar, alleged K. Chandrashekar Rao the Chief Minister of Telangana, to be an anti national.

Ahead of the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) elections, the BJP and the TRS leaders criticised each other.

In one such event, Bandi Sanjay Kumar said, “Chandrashekhar Rao is a pucca anti national because he has ties with the MIM, which has links with terrorist organisation. The Chief Minister’s comments on Indo China skirmishes indicate that tilt.” He further added, “Are you planning to hand over Hyderabad to MIM? Do you want Hindus to live in Hyderabad or not?”

Replying back to the comments of Bandi Sanjay Kumar, Palla Rajeshwar Reddy, the Chief of the Rythu Bandhu Samithi, Bodakunti Venkateswarlu, the Chief Whip of the Party and MLCs Baswaraju Sarayya and M. Srinivas Reddy conducted a press conference. The press conference was held at the Telangana Bhavan.

Palla Rajeshwar Reddy said, “You are the anti-national who is calling for violation of a law that is enacted by the Union government. Being an MP, are you suggesting that people can drink and drive?”

Mr. Reddy reminded the BJP leader that it was the Centre that hiked the fine amount for traffic violations and several other States had been charging higher fines than Telangana State.

The traffic violation was a reply to the comment of Mr. Kumar.

On the 19th of November, Mr. Kumar said if the BJP wins the GHMC election they would make the corporation pay for the challans slapped on youth for minor traffic violations in the City.

He even alleged the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) of targeting the younger population only in the new city.

Sanjay Kumar said, “Police have no guts to impose similar penalties on traffic violations in the old City.”

In addition the TRS leaders in today’s press conference highlighted how, the BJP wrote to the State Election Commission, leading a halt in the distribution of the flood relief money.

Mr. Reddy said, “People of the city will teach BJP a befitting lesson for snatching away the much needed assistance when they need it most. The same BJP which was instrumental in the abrupt stoppage of distribution of Rs. 10,000 is crying wolf and blaming TRS for not distributing flood relief now.”

The TRS leaders said that the party had ensured social justice by allocating 75 % of the GHMC seats to backward classes, 13 % to Scheduled Castes and 3 % seats to Scheduled Tribes.

B. Venkateswarlu said, “All sections of society have welcomed the way in which the TRS has allocated seats. TRS provided representation to all the weaker sections in GHMC elections like never before.”

With just 10 days left for the GHMC elections, the major parties, the TRS, the BJP and the Indian National Congress (INC) are geared up and are campaigning.

The elections are scheduled to be held on the 1st of December and the results would be announced on the 4th of December.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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