From the 3rd of August, the Telangana Government run Gandhi Hospital is set to begin non Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) health services.

Due to the second wave of the Wuhan virus, from April 2021, the non COVID-19 health facilities were paused. However, after the controlled situation and less number of the Wuhan virus cases, the hospital authorities once again resumed their services for general patients.

The Superintendent of the State run Gandhi Hospital Mr. Raja Rao said, in the past few days, less number of COVID-19 cases are being reported at the hospital. With this in consideration, the authorities could now begin the outdoor services and other important non-Wuhan virus medical services.

In Telangana, only Osmania Hospital and Gandhi Hospital are the government hospitals which were designated as the COVID-19 centres. Since the first wave of the Wuhan virus in March 2020, the hospitals have been treating and admitting COVID-19 patients.

Meanwhile, in Telangana there are below 9,000 active cases, of which 79.20 % cases are asymptomatic and only 20.80 % are with mild symptoms.

In addition, the recovery rate from COVID-19 in Telangana is at 98.04 %.

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