Hyderabad: Former minister and Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) leader Errabelli Dayakar Rao held a media conference in Hyderabad to address allegations regarding his involvement in a phone tapping case. He categorically stated that he had nothing to do with the matter, asserting his innocence amidst mounting pressure.

DSP Dugyala Praneet Rao, an accused in the case, also denied any knowledge of the situation. Rao emphasized that Praneet’s relatives’ affiliations should be investigated to ascertain any potential party connections.

Errabelli, known for his advocacy for Telangana during his tenure with TDP, defended his 40-year political career, asserting that no blemish stains his record. He dismissed accusations as false and attributed them to political maneuvers aimed at tarnishing his reputation.

Responding to allegations made by Sharan Chaudhary, Errabelli expressed ignorance about the individual and refuted claims linking him to land grabbing. He further alleged multiple instances of extortion and deceit involving expatriates, urging against support for such individuals.

In conclusion, Errabelli urged against succumbing to pressures to change parties, maintaining his stance of innocence amidst ongoing scrutiny.