The Telangana Doctors’ Federation (TDF) on the 8th of May, demanded a complete lockdown in the State. Concerned about the daily rise in the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases, the federation asked to impose a complete lockdown for two weeks. Citing the second wave of the deadly infection, the federation said, it is needed to sustain the spread of the virus. 

According to sources, the Convenor of Telangana Doctors Federation and Public Health Specialist Dr. P.S. Vijayender supported the call of a lockdown. Dr. P.S. Vijayender said currently, the State is witnessing a lack of availability of hospital beds, short supply of oxygen, ventilators and home care equipment.

Expressing his views over the Government’s claim that lockdown would bring life to a standstill and would lead to the total collapse of the economy. He said that due to the second wave of COVID-19 cases, entire families are getting affected and falling into a vicious cycle of hospital bills. He demanded a support system for vulnerable sections of the society in the State and a two week lockdown.

Meanwhile, some experts including Dr. Subodh Kandumuthan, Director of Centre for Health Care Management at Administrative Staff College of India believe that the Telangana government must wait for two weeks before imposing a lockdown in the state.

In the meantime, the state must impose restrictions to curb the spread of COVID-19, he added. 

Meanwhile, the State Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao clarified about not imposing a lockdown. In addition, the State is witnessing strict night curfews until the 15th of May. The Chief Secretary of Telangana Somesh Kumar issued a Government Order (GO) imposing restrictions on all social, political, sports, entertainment, academic, religious and cultural gatherings.

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