Sravan Kumar, the Superintendent of the State run Gandhi Hospital, on the 21st of December, reported to the Telangana High Court (HC.)

On the 20th of December, the Telangana HC reviewed a petition seeking the release of the dead bodies of the four accused in the Disha rape and murder case.

On the 6th of December, V.C. Sajjanar, the Cyberabad Police Commissioner, with his team, killed the four accused in an encounter.

After the extrajudicial killings, the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) and G.N. Mani, an advocate of the Supreme Court (SC,) filed a petition against the police personnel who were a part of the encounter.

The SC heard G.N. Mani’s petition and ordered the Telangana Police and the Government to preserve the bodies until further notice.  Concerned about the decomposition of the bodies, the Telangana Police and the Gandhi Hospital authorities approached the Telangana HC and the Supreme Court.

Gandhi Hospital Mortuary officials reported to the Telangana HC the bodies decomposed 50 % despite being preserved at -2 degree Celsius.  They further said the bodies would decompose 100 % in a week.

Based on the report of the Gandhi Hospital officials, the Telangana HC ordered the bodies of the accused be reexamined and further evidence be collected.  The HC added a video of the postmortem process must be made and submitted along with the evidence by 5:00 P.M., on the 23rd of December. 

After performing the second postmortem, the Hospital authorities can hand over the dead bodies to the families of the accused in the presence of the Telangana Police.

The bodies have been under the supervision of the Gandhi Hospital Mortuary for the past 10 days.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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