The Telugu State of Telangana is witnessing heavy to very heavy rainfall, in the past few days.  The constant downpour in the city has created trouble for the people, especially those living in Hyderabad.

In view of this, the Hyderabad Police also swung into action and is making efforts to ensure no citizens gets trouble due to the rainfall situation.  On the 21st of July, Mr. Anjani Kumar, the Director General of Police (DGP) said, “Friends, these are challenging times for the community we serve; they expect professionalism, courage and empathy from each one of us individually and collectively.”  Furthermore, Mr. Anjani Kumar stressed on entrusting responsibility to carefully chosen police officers and creating a robust feedback mechanism.

He also encouraged officers to use social media platforms to create awareness. “I am fully confident that each one of you will rise to the occasion and show exemplary leadership qualities,” said DGP Anjani Kumar.

The DGP plans to hold periodic teleconferences with officers to receive feedback and concentrate on the expected flood situation in the State.

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