The Cyberabad police in Hyderabad busted ‘biggest’ gang involved in data theft.

On the 23rd of March, the Cyberabad Police in a press conference confirmed to bust the fraudsters gang, involved in India’s biggest ever data theft scam.  Notably, the gang of thieves allegedly sold the personal data of nearly 16 crores people, across India.

Getting into the details, the police arrested the gang of cyber thieves, after hundreds of cases of cyber fraud and data theft were reported with the Cyberabad police.

Stephen Ravindra, the Cyberabad Police of Commissioner, said that a gang of six members was arrested in Cyberabad.  The six members were said to be from Delhi, Nagpur and Mumbai, and were operating across India.  During the investigation, the Cyberabad Police recovered 12 mobile phones, 3 laptops, 2 CPUs, mails and tax invoices, data of people in nearly 138 categories.  Some of the data are sensitive information of the public including Aadhar Card, PAN Card, NEET Students’ data and others.  

Moreover, the investigation also revealed that the gang was operating through 3 registered companies, Data Mart Infotech, Global Data Arts and MS Digital Grow and many unregistered companies, stealing important datas of people and multinational companies in India.

Meanwhile,  the arrested persons were identified as Kafil Ahmed, Mohd. Jamal, Mohd. Asif, Chirag, Virendra Singh, Pradeep Walia, Akash @ Aakash Nirwan, Vikas Puri and Ateet Das.  All of them are from Delhi, Nagpur and Maharashtra and operates across the country.


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