Dr. G. Srinivas Rao, the Director of Health Services of Telangana, warned Telangana citizens about the Novel Coronavirus infection.

Dr. Rao who is also in charge for the prevention of the spread of the Novel Coronavirus infection in the State said, majority of the citizens of Telangana would be infected by the Novel Coronavirus. 

The population of Telangana is 3,72,20,000 based on the 2019 population report of National Commission on Population (NCP.) 

He addressed the media and said, “But 80 per cent of the infected population will not have symptoms.  The rest of the people will have mild, moderate symptoms and some, particularly those with comorbidities and the aged, are likely to develop severe symptoms.”

During a press conference, organised on the 4th of July, Mr. Rao said, “Telangana State had 20,462 cases till the 3rd of July, of which 13,534 were detected in June. This shows that people are moving after the lockdowns have been lifted and with them the virus is moving too.  Our containment efforts and surveillance are on but the movement of people is leading to an increase in cases.” he said.

Emphasizing on the adverse effect on people due to the  movement after the Lockdown was lifted, Dr. G. Srinivas Rao said, movement of people, especially in densely populated areas would spread the COVID-19 rapidly. 

He said, “The cases will increase.  But the good thing about our state is since that March to April, we have been setting up testing facilities, improved hospital management, stepped up case management, and surveillance management (sic.) 

Mr. Rao further added, “We conduct an epidemiological interview and find out where the person went and with whom he or she may have met.  The process takes into account the amount of time spent vis-à-vis infection possibility. The population will be infected.  We cannot stop it.”

Meanwhile, Telangana Health department is focusing on people with influenza like illnesses (ILI) and severe acute respiratory illnesses (SARI.) 

Concerned over the increasing number of cases, the Telangana Government decided to allow home isolation for the COVID-19 patients having mild symptoms.

Mr. Rao said, “We have had 12,000 such cases so far of whom 6,752 are in home isolation. Every day, about 1,000 people are completing their isolation protocols but we are advising them to continue for a week more as a matter of precaution.”

Telangana reported a total of 23,902 cases of the Novel Coronavirus till date. 

Out of the total, 10,904 are active cases, 12,703 are recovered/discharged cases and 295 deceased. 

The State conducted a total of 1,15,835 sample tests for the Novel Coronavirus infection till the 5th of July. 

Stay tuned for further updates. 

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