A few Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders in Telangana initiated the `Feed the Needy’ programme in the wake of the Novel Coronavirus pandemic.

Under the new programme, BJP leaders and activists were seen distributing essential commodities to the people suffering during the lockdown.

Bandi Sanjay Kumar, the President of the BJP in Telangana and Member of Parliament (MP) of Karimnagar distributed food packets and groceries in his constituency.

Dr. K. Laxman, the former BJP President of Telangana, Satyakumar, the National Secretary of the BJP and other leaders also followed the distribution initiative and helped the needy residing in the State.

Other leaders like Chintala Ramachandra Reddy and Garikapati Mohan Rao were also distributing necessary items in Khairatabad under the Feed the Needy programme.

Beside BJP, the Indian National Congress (INC) also helped the poor families in Telangana.  On the 9th of April, Dr. Ponguleti Sudhakar Reddy, a member of the Indian National Congress (INC,)  went a step further and not only distributed food, but took responsibility for five poor and daily labourer families and sixteen others residing in the Narsingi municipality.

Telangana is the 4th State with the highest number of COVID-19 infection cases in India.  The State has 471 positive cases, 414 active cases, 45 recovered and 12 deaths till date.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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