On the 12th of March, approximately 2,881 passengers were screened at the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, Hyderabad.   Passengers suspected of symptoms of the Coronavirus, were sent to hospitals. Of the more than 2000 plus passengers screened, eleven were suspected of the symptoms and sent to the hospital, 71 others were asked to remain in self quarantine.

As COVID-19 is declared a pandemic disease by the World Health Organisation (WHO,) the Central Government and the various state governments are trying to contain the situation.  During the past few days, the Telangana Government was on their toes to handle the situation, especially after a positive Coronavirus case was reported. 

The Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) Government arranged additional thermal screening machines to speed up the  process.

Etela Rajender, the Health Minister of Telangana, visited the airport and inspected the thermal screening machines himself,  supervised the process and other arrangements. 

Besides Telangana, the Karnataka, the Kerala and the Delhi governments are also making all the necessary arrangements to manage this Coronavirus pandemic.

Till date, India reported 70 positive Coronavirus cases and 1 death due to the disease.  Globally, this deadly family of viruses, Novel Coronavirus, killed more than 4,000 people and infected 1,00,000 people.

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