The Former Telangana minister and Congress Member of Legislative council Mr. T. Jeevan Reddy wrote an open letter to Mr. K Chandrasekhar Rao, the Chief Minister of Telangana.

The letter was regarding the ongoing issue of Paddy procurement.   Mr. Jeevan Reddy asked the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) Government to build pressure on the Central Government, for the minimum support price (MSP) on paddy.  He said, “Millers should be brought under control using district administrations so that they don’t cause trouble to farmers at rice mill points during paddy procurement.”  He also demanded transportation facilities be set in place for farmers and dues being paid according to the original electronic weight receipt so that extra charges laid on them by millers is restricted.

Mr. T. Jeevan Reddy said that both the State Government and the Central Government are shifting blame on each other with regards to procurement of paddy and farmers are struggling due to this behaviour. He termed this behaviour ‘irresponsible’.  His letter read, “Farmers should have the freedom to produce crops of their choosing. But due to the inability of the state government to provide the minimum support price to farmers, they are forced to produce what the government wants them to. Such restrictions will lead to the detriment of farmer welfare.”

It is to be noted, the paddy procurement issue is still a major issue between the political parties in Telangana.  The ruling party, Telangana Rashtra Samithi and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) are fighting and playing the blame game in this regard. 

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