Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) parliamentary board member K Lakshman predicted that his party will form a double engine government in Telangana after parliament elections. Lakshman. He said that many key developments will take place in Telangana after the general elections.

Addressing the joining of a few key leaders from BRS and Congress, Lakshman made a few key comments. “People of Telangana lost hope in BRS and Congress, Many prominent leaders of these parties are joining BJP,” Lakshman said.

He asserted that BJP alone will win more than 370 seats and NDA will win more than 400 seats. Lakshman hoped that a stable government under the leadership of Modi will change the face of the country. 

Lakshman hoped that BJP will win majority MP seats in Telangana and emerge as a strong force after the polls. Many more leaders are set to join BJP in the near future, Lakshman hoped.