Mr. T. Harish Rao, the Health Minister of Telangana and a Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) leader took a dig at the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP.)

On the 1st of December, Thursday, Mr. T. Harish Rao said, the BJP unit in Telangana is resorting to blackmail politics.  He said, “The TRS government and leaders would not fear these tactics by the central government. He said that the central government was acting in vengeance against Telangana and claiming to give a 42% share of the GST but releasing only 29.6% to the State.”

He said, the BJP led Central Government is trying to harass the K. Chandrashekar Rao Government with the Enforcement Directorate (ED) and the Income Tax (IT) raids.

The statement came after the recent IT raids carried out at the premises of several TRS ministers and leaders.

Mr. T. Harish Rao also blamed the BJP Government for being a hurdle in the growth and development of Telangana.  He said that Telangana State has shared Rs. 30,000 crores with the Centre in the form of Goods Service Tax (GST) of which the Centre returned only Rs. 8,000 crores back to the State.  He accused Mr. G. Kishan Reddy, the Union Minister of Home for Telangana, of sharing only half information on Central funds.  

Mr. T. Harish Rao also objected to the BJP leaders’ statement about the debts of the TRS led State Government and challenged them to an open debate.  

The TRS and the BJP are having a tug of war since the TRS MLA Poaching case came into light.  Both political parties are playing the blame game in the State, especially when the State Assembly elections are scheduled in 2023.

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