Mr. T. Raja Singh, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) from the Goshmahal constituency has been detained by the Telangana Police, on the 23rd of August, Tuesday.

The arrest on the 23rd of August, Tuesday, was made in a case against Mr. T. Raja Singh, for making derogatory remarks against Prophet Muhammad, founder of the Islamic religion.  It is to be noted, on the 22nd of August, MLA Raja Singh shared a 10 minute video, in response to a standup comedy show held by Munawar Faruqi, in Hyderabad.  The Goshmahal constituency MLA Mr. Raja Singh, was also placed under house arrest on the 21st of August, Sunday, so that he could not create a hurdle for the comedian Munawar Faruqui, who did a show in Hyderabad.  

However, Mr. Raja Singh shared a video, in which he was repeating the controversial comments of Ms. Nupur Sharma, a suspended member of the BJP, regarding Prophet Mohammed.  Mr. Raja Singh also spoke about the Muslim Community and the recently held comedy show by Munawar Faruqui.  The video went viral, which hurt the religious sentiment of the Muslim community in the State.  On Monday night, many people, especially those of the Muslim community, staged protests outside police stations across Telangana, demanding the arrest of Mr. Raja Singh.  

After several complaints, the Hyderabad Police registered a case against Mr. Raja Singh under the relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC.)  

Mr. Joel Davis, the Deputy Commissioner of Police of West Zone Hyderabad, said, “We have received several complaints.  MLA Raja Singh has been apprehended.  We will update you about the arrest as well as the sections soon.”

Meanwhile, Mr. Raja Singh condemned the FIR and said, “I do not understand on what basis the police registered the FIR because I did not take the name of any particular community.  My video was aimed at Faruqui and I stand by my words, and I did not hurt anyone’s sentiments.  This was the first part of the video, there will be a second video too.”

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