With the ATMs around the city running dry four months after Demonetisation, banks have witnessed long queues on Monday as people rushed to the banks for money withdrawal. Chaos ensued because of this and the police force had to be called in some places to control the crowd.

Over the last week, the crowd in the banks has been increasing. Some even saw a three fold rise in the crowd. People, especially the working class started queuing up in front of the banks as soon as they opened up on Mondays.

Even on Sunday, ATMs witnessed huge crowds on account of holiday for most of the organizations. This crowd is also a result of the charges levied on ATM transactions that the private banks have introduced transaction charges of Rs. 200

It is because of these charges, the customers are opting for bank withdrawals than going to ATMs. Also for those whose salary is average, each transaction charging Rs. 200 is a huge amount. Banks also have expressed concern over people foregoing cash usage and opting only for digital transactions in future.

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