E. Ashwathama Reddy, the Convenor of the Joint Action Committee (JAC,) on the evening of the 18th of November, called off his hunger strike.

Around 6:00 P.M., on the 18th of November, on the request of Manda Krishna Madiga, a leader of the Madiga Reservation Parota Samithi (MRPS,) Ashwathama Reddy broke his deeksha.

Mr. Krishna offered a glass of water to Ashwathama and other JAC leaders who were on hunger strike since the 16th of November.

M. Kodandaram, the President of the Telangana Jana Samithi (TJS,) addressed the media and said, “As their health was deteriorating, our delegation of all party leaders urged them to break their hunger strike.”

E. Ashwathama and Raji Reddy, another JAC leader, started the hunger strike on the 16th of November, at 6:00 A.M.  They continued the strike for approximately 60 hours, despite their deteriorating health condition.

Both the leaders were admitted to the Osmania General Hospital on the 17th of November after their condition started worsening due to dropping sugar levels and blood pressure issues.

Nagender, the Superintendent of the Osmania Hospital, said, “They had been placed in acute medical care ward of the hospital and were being monitored for their vitals every two hours. With the administration of IV fluids and insulin, their vitals were normalised.”

Ashwathama went on hunger strike after the TRS Government did not respond to the TSRTC employees’ and JAC’s request of holding talks even after they temporarily dropped the merger demand.

Meanwhile, the TSRTC strike which started on the 5th of October, entered its 46th day on the 19th of November.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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