Hyderabad is one of the busiest outposts for the United States. To fulfill the requirements here, the U.S. state Department has decided to build a new consulate general complex in the next year that accounts to $203 million. 

The contract to construct this multi-building complex has been awarded to Caddel Constructions that is based in Montgomery, Alabama. This multi-building structure is going to be built on a 12-acre area in the Hitech City, Hyderabad. According to the US State Department press release on Tuesday, the project is expected to finish by 2020. Though the press release did not give an estimated amount to the project, GovTribe.com, a website that tracks Government contracts estimated the figure to be $203 million. 

The present U.S. Consulate at Begumpet, Hyderabad.

The present U.S. Consulate at Begumpet, Hyderabad.

The state department said that the consulate complex will also accommodate Marine security guards, support buildings, and facilities for the consulate staff. Opened in 2009, the present complex located at Begumpet, Hyderabad operates from Paigah Palace and caters to Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, and Telangana. According to Michele Thoren Bond, who is a U.S. diplomat and the current Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs at the U.S. Department of State, Hyderabad Consulate issues the fifth highest number of students visas worldwide and the highest in the Indian subcontinent.

Now to cater the increasing demand, the U.S., state has decided to open a new consulate complex. This will not only make it easier for the visa processing but also improve the bonds between the two countries.