Tennis star Ms. Sania Mirza, on the 19th of January, Wednesday, announced her retirement plans.  After her recent defeat in the Australian Open 2022,  in women’s double event, Mirza said, she will be playing her last match in 2022 end.

Highlighting her reason to retire from Tennis, Ms. Sania Mirza said, “There’s a few reasons for it. It’s not as simple as ‘okay I’m not going to play’. I do feel my recovery is taking longer, I’m putting my 3-year-old son at risk by travelling so much with him, that’s something I have to take into account. I think my body is wearing down. My knee was really hurting today and I’m not saying that’s the reason we lost but I do think that it is taking time to recover as I’m getting older.”  She further said, “The energy is not the same anymore. There are more days than there used to be where I don’t feel like doing that. I’ve always said that I will play until I enjoy that grind, the process which I’m not sure I’m enjoying as much anymore.”

When asked, when she decided to quit Tennis, Sania Mirza said, since December 2021, she knew that this season  2022, would be her last match.

Currently ranked 68th in the world, Sania is a former World No. 1 in doubles and also attained a career-best ranking of 27 in singles. The first Indian to win a Grand Slam.

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